A Beautiful Mess
Dear Mosaic Family,
For many years, Garvisa and I owned an original painting by an Indonesian artist we met while living in Central Java. We knew and fellowshipped with him and his American wife at the English worship service.
His genre of art was 2 & 3D -- blending the use of paint and textiles to create things of beauty out of scraps of ribbon, string, and fabric. On the occasions we visited Toto's studio, we could see little piles of the stuff he used to create art. It looked to me like a big mess, but he would take the broken and torn bits and arrange them on a canvas so that they became masterpieces of artwork.
It's kind of what God does with us. Our lives were hopelessly broken and damaged by life and sin. We were useless and dead apart from Him, "but God!" He steps into our messy lives to bring about beauty. He is a Redeemer! He lifts us from the heap and turns our mess into a masterpiece.
This Sunday, we'll unpack Mosaic Distinctives #5 & #6. Please have a look at them before coming to worship at www.mosaicva.com/distinctives.
A couple of questions for us to think about: will we give God absolute freedom to have access to the best and worst of us? Will we trust Him with what He's up to in our life?
Remember, He LOVES you and wants to work ALL THINGS together for your good.
See you soon,
John Stroud