
Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy! 

Psalm 99:9

We believe that the musical expression of our worship and praise is an integral part of our walk as Christians. This gift from God, deepens our faith, encourages our hearts, connects the congregation and strengthens our doctrine. Since the words we speak or sing have great power, the leadership takes great care in choosing the songs we proclaim together. Changing or omitting songs and lyrics to make sure they align as close as possible to our understanding of our Great God and His gospel to us.

The whole team meets Wednesday evenings for an hour of fellowship, study and prayer; followed by an hour and a half of rehearsal time for those on team that week. It is a time of connecting, encouraging, planning and learning with each other as we work towards unity in the faith. We also rehearse Sunday mornings before the service starts followed by a time of prayer and dedication for what we are about to do.  

Carlton Yelle / Team Leader

Mosaic’s worship team is under the leadership of Carlton Yelle. Carlton has been serving the local church as a Worship Director in various locations for over a decade. His love for people and his passion for music drive him to create an atmosphere where fellow believers can work towards unity and extend grace where needed.

He is not looking for perfection in musicianship, nor does he wish to use the powerful emotions elicited in music to manipulate or manufacture false worship. Carlton simply wants to use the talents God has given him, and encourage the gifts in others, to bring as authentic a time of corporate worship as possible. Knowing God is sovereign, Carlton, tries to let the Holy Spirit and the word of God lead him as he leads the believers at Mosaic.

join the worship team

If you are interested in joining the worship team or talking with someone about it, feel free to reach out to Carlton using the form below.